
A picture of an old sign  with the word Information written on it. This is to signify this is the about page.

Hi, I’m Kris Barton.

And I provide expert Online Marketing and Coding training.

Over the years as a web developer, I’ve worked for large companies and small, in a variety of different industries.

During the years, I also developed a passion for online marketing and through my efforts I saw many crossover points between the two practices.

I saw how my coding abilities could benefit my online marketing efforts and visa versa and that’s when it struck me: other people NEED to know this.

Marketing Coding was born and our goal is clear: provide expert training in both online marketing and coding.

But I’m a Coder, Why Do I Need to Know About Online Marketing?

I thought the exact same thing.

When I put my first website online to earn a little money on the side, I naively thought people would just find my website.

Needless to say, that didn’t happen. I had to learn how I could get people to visit my website, just like everybody else.

But I'm an Online Marketer, Why Do I Need to Know About Coding?

On the other hand, a number of online marketers will tell you how much of a benefit knowing how to code is.

And that's just the start of the benefits.

The Internet Continues to Shape Our Future

The Internet isn't going anywhere. It's an integral part of our lives, our culture and our very existence.

And it's growing.

Surely, it only be a matter of time before you have to know how to code to get by in online business.

I want you to start your future now with Marketing Coding.

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